Record today 5-5-0 with an average winning R of 2.42. Had five straight losers in the morning, but made up for everything and much more with one--well, actually two--trades in WFC. (See below.) Observation for today being that obviously, losers are an inevitable part of of this game, but why not try to eliminate as many was you can? So far, this strategy produces about 50 - 60% winners. Don't know if I can break that 60% barrier or not. Regardless, with big 4R & 5R winners, and sometimes much more, the 1R losers don't matter that much.

Also, completed the Exponential Crossover project (see previous post) and am now pretty much finished with the Support and Resistance project. My backtesting software is coming along and I am enjoying programming immensely! I trade from about 10am - 12pm and try to work on programming the remainder of the day.
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